Achieve Your Goals by Living in the Moment

So, you have a goal. Maybe you want to launch a business, get promoted at work, or find the love of your life. Whatever it is, you’re determined to make it happen as soon as possible. But before you rush ahead, it’s important to remember that great things take time and we all have our own stories that shape how we approach our goals and how we live our lives. Let’s take a look at five simple tips (reminders) for achieving your goals through living in the moment.

Don’t Rush

It can be easy to get caught up in getting what you want quickly and feel discouraged when progress isn’t made as quickly as expected. Don’t forget that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Set achievable short-term goals and celebrate small successes along the way. This will help keep momentum going and boost motivation when times get tough.

You’ll Never Be 100% Ready!

No matter how much planning and preparation goes into an endeavor, there will always be something else that needs to be done or improved upon before taking action. Instead of striving for perfection, focus on taking imperfect action towards your goals every single day even if it feels uncomfortable or scary. I see people are are in a constant state of paralysis by analysis. Trust that success will follow!

We All Have A Painful Story

Everyone has their own story of pain and struggle which shapes their experiences and behavior today. The challenge is this bias of how you see and react to your world can do more damage than growth. Rather than comparing yourself to others who appear more successful (or worse yet, beating yourself up for not having achieved more yet), practice self-compassion by acknowledging your struggles but remembering that they don’t define you. You are defined by what you consistently do, not because you made a wrong decision. You are capable of greatness!

Chase Your Dreams Not People

Your dreams should bring meaning and fulfillment into your life—not other people! It’s tempting to compare yourself with what others have accomplished but remember that comparison is the thief of joy; instead stay focused on doing what makes YOU happy without worrying about what other people think or do. It’s so easy to look at a snapshot online and fall in love with someone else’s life….only to realize they are just as screwed up as you. Live authentically according to your values and beliefs—the rest will follow naturally!

A Bad Day Isn’t A Bad Life

Having bad days is inevitable; no matter who we are or how hard we try, there will be times when things don’t go according to plan. That doesn’t mean they’re bad days forever—it just means they’re part of the journey. Keep going even when faced with obstacles because success often requires making mistakes so we can learn from them faster and better next time around.

Achieving your goals takes hard work, dedication, and above all else patience. The key is trusting the process even when it feels like nothing is happening or progress seems too slow.

Remember that great things take time so don’t rush ahead; instead focus on living in the moment by taking imperfect actions each day towards your goals while also practicing self-compassion along the way.

As you get older you’ll remember the days you felt “overwhelmed” 10 years ago and you giggle because you’re looking through a new lens.

You got this—go out there and chase those dreams.

Why Do You Put Things Off?

It’s easy to say that we’re too busy to do certain things, but the reality is that there’s something deeper going on when we procrastinate. Whether it’s starting a new project, finishing a task on our to-do list, or taking care of a personal errand, procrastination is something we’ve all struggled with at one point or another. So why do we do it? And more importantly, how can we overcome it?

Here are 3 strategies you can use to start motivated and stay motivated to do what must be done:

1. Understand your triggers

You must understand what the “triggers” are before you can address the issue. Is it a specific type of task? A task that requires a lot of time and energy? Or maybe it’s a task that you simply don’t enjoy doing. Once you understand your triggers, you can start to develop a plan for how to deal with them. If you find yourself overwhelmed and retreating to social media to anesthetize you from the pain of doing that “thing” remember it’s only a distraction from facing the real issue. Be honest with yourself when you unpack the real reasons.

2. Set smaller goals

When we’re facing a large, daunting task, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and push it off until later. One way to combat this is by breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable goals. By setting smaller goals, you’ll make progress on the overall task without getting overwhelmed—and you’ll start to feel better about yourself in the process.

It’s not even really about the goals. It’s about getting wins. Once you begin to create that success no matter how small, you build momentum. This is called the aggregation of marginal gains. It’s huge, but requires you to really focus on what you “can do” right now no matter how small it may seem.

3. Find an accountability partner

This is a tough one! On the one hand you want someone to motivate you, but you get embarrassed. They may judge you. You can thank your ego for that. So what must you do?

Have the top of mind awareness to put the emotions to the side. Look at your challenges as just that. Challenges. When you have someone that’s not emotionally involved and you also look at it that way too, you’ll have the best shot of consistency.

It’s one thing to tell yourself that you’re going to do something; it’s another thing entirely to have someone else holding you accountable for actually doing it. If you’re struggling to stay motivated, find someone who will help keep you on track—whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a professional coach. Having someone in your corner will make all the difference when it comes time to finally tackle that procrastinated task.

At the end of the day, you’re not alone. We all struggle with procrastination from time to time—but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to it. The worst thing you can do is put a label on yourself and say you always procrastinate or you work better under pressure by waiting. These may help you rationalize your situation, but you certainly won’t grow.

By understanding our triggers, setting smaller goals, and finding an accountability partner, we can overcome procrastination and get things done! But remember, we are not perfect nor should you try to be. If you catch yourself, then remind yourself what you can do to get out of the situation and back on track to achieve what you desire.

You’re Not a Procrastinator, You’re a perfectionist!

Have you ever found yourself putting off tasks until the last minute? By the way, most people who do that believe it sparks a creative side under pressure. But does it? Or is it just an excuse? Do you ever tell yourself that you’ll start that exercise program or project tomorrow? If so, you might be a procrastinator. Or, you might be a perfectionist. It’s tough to tell the difference, but once you know how to identify the signs, it’s easier to address the issue and get moving on your goals.

Signs You’re a Perfectionist

  1. You’re never satisfied with your work. However, this type of person is typically stuck in paralysis by analysis. They are so afraid it won’t be correct they wait to the point it’s too late.
  2. You’re afraid of making mistakes. This isn’t driven by other people’s opinions either. It’s way worse than that. This is a self-induced challenge that you will not live up to your own standards. (which by the way, are typically too difficult for anyone to achieve)
  3. You have trouble delegating tasks. You rationalize this by stating that it’s easier for you to do it correctly than risking someone else screwing it up. You believe it makes you organized, but others see you as a control freak.

Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism

  1. Set realistic standards for yourself. This is true for both sides of the coin. Figure out what’s possible and take action no matter how small. But if you don’t have clear expectations of what must be done, you’ll never move forward.
  2. Talk to someone who can help keep you accountable. This is really a two part strategy. Having an accountability partner is an incredibly important strategy because you lie to yourself too much. You can rationalize anything you like, but someone else who isn’t involved emotionally can realign your actions. But you must also have a penalty associated with NOT doing what you need to do. This is the reverse of procrastination because if you’re a perfectionist, you need clear expectations and deadlines. So don’t leave them up in the air.
  3. Celebrate your accomplishments—no matter how small! This is the most overlooked opportunity to eliminate procrastination or perfection syndrome. When you feel like you’re making progress it builds momentum. Too many times you discount what you’ve accomplished and makes you avoid the task even more. Even something as simple as acknowledging you began…that’s something. Who’s to say that’s not the best place to be at that moment?

You must understand that perfection doesn’t exist. However, your potential does. We all have flaws and you know this, but practice self-compassion. You’re the worst enemy you can face. Be kind to yourself and give some grace when things are perfect.

We are only on this planet a certain amount of time and today is one day closer to the end. I mention that not to be negative, but a positive push that perfection isn’t always the end all be all. It’s about marginal gains over time. But that time must start now. Today is the day to focus on what you can do versus what you should do and don’t.

Here’s why you may suck at sales

Sales folks often end up not making any sales at all

Have you ever gone into a store, only to have the salesperson back away and give you space? It’s odd, right? You would think they would want to engage with you and help you find what you’re looking for. But sometimes, salespeople are so worried about being too pushy that they avoid potential conflict at all costs. As a result, they often end up not making any sales at all. It’s a frustrating cycle, but it’s one that can be broken by changing your approach. Instead of backing away from conflict, try to see it as an opportunity to connect with the customer. By engaging in a friendly conversation, you’ll be more likely to build rapport and make a sale. So next time you’re tempted to back away from a potential customer, remember that connecting on a personal level can go a long way.

There are a few key things you can do to make sales easier

Making sales doesn’t have to be difficult or painful. In fact, there are a few key things you can do to make it easier. First, learn about the product inside and out. The more you know about it, the better equipped you’ll be to answer questions and address concerns. Second, connect your product to your customer. You do this by sharing stories that connect the prospect vs features. The more comfortable you are with your stories, the more confident you’ll be when it comes time to make the sale. Finally, be persistent. Don’t give up if someone says “no”; continue to follow up and look for ways to add value first. When someone says “no” it just means they don’t see the value. Did you ask questions? Did you uncover a pain they have that they don’t want? Did you find a pain they didn’t know about yet? Think of questions that actually add value versus just puking on the customer with how amazing you or the product is.

Sales is all about building relationships with potential customers and providing value

Sales is all about people. This concept isn’t new and at its heart, sales is about building relationships with potential customers and providing value first. But what really is value? It’s not what you may think. It’s about uncovering what’s most important to them by asking questions. The best salespeople are the ones who are able to create a rapport with their customers and make them feel like they are part of something larger. They ask questions that allow the prospect to uncover pain they need to fix. People want to do business with people they like, and they are attracted to those who are like them. As a result, the best salespeople are often the ones who are able to mirror their customers and make them feel comfortable. By establishing a relationship of trust, salespeople can overcome objections and close more deals.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale – the worst thing that can happen is that someone says “no”

The best closing question is “What else do you need to know to be convinced I can be your (blank)?” They can only answer that one of two ways. The first is, “no, I am ready” and the second would be a potential objection. The answer to that question will also give you the information you need to address any objections and close the sale. The worst thing that can happen when you ask for the sale is that someone says “no”. However, even if someone says it, you have gained valuable information about what objections need to be addressed in order to make the sale. Asking for the sale is an essential part of the sales process, so don’t be afraid to do it.

Being great at sales doesn’t mean that you have to be pushy or use high-pressure tactics. In fact, most people are turned off by those things. We like to say, “Slow down to speed up.” That basically means, allow the process to work itself out. Slow down and ask curious questions. It’s not an interview or interrogation, rather a conversation of questions that allow us to unlock the sale. When you do this combined with taking the time to build rapport to connect, you’ll see your sales begin to grow.

If you’re willing to step outside what makes you comfortable and focus on building rapport and providing value, you’ll be more successful in making sales. Master the art of asking questions, and you’ll win more deals because you’re seen as an expert.