Discover the True You: Why You’re More Than Your Thoughts and How to Harness That Power!

It’s easy to read this and think, “I know this already!” But the bigger question I would ask you is this….How good are you at it?

Have you ever paused to consider who you truly are? It’s a profound realization that you are not merely the sum of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Instead, you are the observer, the conscious presence that notices these internal experiences. I know that may sound altruistic or cheesy, but it’s not. You and I can only grow by exploring a few thoughts and how we can become more aligned with the outcomes.

The Conscious Observer Within

It’s worth emphasizing: You are NOT merely your thoughts, feelings, or emotions. Instead, you are the conscious observer of these internal phenomena. This realization is a cornerstone of personal growth and self-awareness. What does this mean for you?

Imagine waking up to a day filled with anxiety, pressure, and a sense of being swamped. Naturally, these emotions will dictate your reactions. However, recognizing these emotions gives you the power to alter them. If you spend most of your time responding to problems how can you grow? If you’re not willing to step outside of your present state and beyond your bias, you’ll be amazed at the clarity you’ll have. This is why you can solve other people’s problems with ease. You’re not emotionally involved and therefore you can be an observer of the issue. Consciously recognize this next time you’re feeling stressed.

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking

This is such a cliche isn’t it? I am tired of people telling me to just have positive thinking. I want you to look at it a little differently. Instead of being bogged down by challenges, what if you shifted your focus to solutions? What if, instead of dwelling on what’s wrong, you embraced gratitude and envisioned what’s possible? This shift in perspective not only elevates your mood but also boosts your energy. You are energy and have a choice of what energy you embody. Here’s a real simple analogy. We are like Tofu. We take on the flavors we’re around. So never let that be left up to chance.

Emotional Fitness: The Key to Intentional Living

Emotional fitness isn’t about suppressing feelings. It’s about recognizing them and making a conscious choice to steer them in a positive direction. It’s about being proactive, not reactive. By being aware of your emotional state, you can intentionally redirect your energy.

To maintain this heightened state of awareness, it’s crucial to establish daily rituals. These practices help recalibrate your mind, ensuring you’re deliberate about where you direct your energy and focus.

The Game of Life: Embracing Every Opportunity

Life is not a passive experience. If you’re not intentional, you might find yourself merely reacting to events. Remember, you are not just your fleeting thoughts or emotions. You possess the incredible power to change them, to think anew, and to embrace positivity.

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Cherish every opportunity life presents, for it’s through these experiences that you grow and evolve. Anxiety comes from uncertainty. Well, life is just that and it’s time to understand if you live in fear, you’ll stay in that state. Be okay with where you are now and focus on what actually matters.

Life continually offers lessons and opportunities for growth. By recognizing that you are more than your thoughts and emotions, you unlock the potential to live intentionally, gratefully, and joyfully.

Embrace the game of life and all the tools it provides for your personal evolution.

Unraveling the Mystery of Lost Motivation: The Power of Commitment

Have you ever found yourself at the beginning of a new job or project, overflowing with passion, brimming with ideas, and full of unwavering determination? Fast forward a few weeks or months and you find your enthusiasm dwindling, your commitment fading, and your motivation nearly extinct. Why is it that so many of us lose the initial momentum?

Why does that spark of motivation disappear?

The answer is simpler than you might think: It’s not the lack of motivation that’s the issue, but a lack of commitment. I know that’s not a popular answer because it’s easier to blame others or circumstances for your declining desire to continue at the same level of excitement in the beginning.

The Initial Euphoria

The beginning of any new venture, whether it’s a fitness program, a new job, or a creative project, is often marked by a surge of motivation. The novelty and excitement make it easy to dream, to set goals, and to visualize the path ahead. Everything feels within reach and your resolve seems unbreakable.

However, when reality hits and the initial thrill starts to wear off, the demands of your goal become apparent. It’s at this point that your motivation tends to falter. So, understand this is very normal to experience.

The Reality Check

Let’s consider an example. You’re excited about adopting a healthier lifestyle. You’ve purchased your new running shoes, signed up for the gym, and stocked your refrigerator with nutritious food. But a few weeks in, the early mornings, the sore muscles, and the sacrifice of your favorite foods start to weigh heavily on you. You’ve hit your first roadblock, and suddenly, your resolution seems harder than you anticipated. We’ve all been there at some point.

What’s happened here? You didn’t lose your motivation. Instead, you’ve encountered the stark reality of commitment. When things get difficult we tend to rationalize or justify the lack of motivation. Why? Because we must have a reason to blame for potentially falling short.

The Power of Commitment

While motivation is the driving force that gets you started, commitment is the glue that keeps you stuck to your path, even when the going gets tough. It involves making a promise to yourself that you’ll see things through, regardless of the obstacles.

Commitment means maintaining your workout schedule even when you’d rather hit the snooze button. Your feet hurt? Doesn’t matter. It’s about sticking to your diet plan when you’re tempted by unhealthy snacks. It means persisting with your business idea even when you face setbacks. It’s about staying true to your relationship, despite the inevitable disagreements and struggles. Every single person suffers from this affliction. You’re not unique in this so all you have to do is adopt simple strategies to ensure you don’t stay unmotivated.

If you find your motivation waning, it’s a signal that your commitment is faltering. You’re not just battling external challenges; you’re wrestling with your internal commitment to persevere.

Reigniting Your Commitment

So, how do you reignite your commitment when you feel it wavering?

Revisit Your ‘Why’: When the journey gets tough, remind yourself why you started. Your ‘why’ is the reason you’re willing to invest time, effort, and sometimes, even discomfort. I find even mapping out what could come up to question our motivation. That way when it does happen you can say to yourself, “I knew this was going to happen and I am committed not to accept the excuse.”

Make a Daily Promise: Commitment is not a one-time deal; it’s a daily promise you make to yourself. You never get better in a day. It’s day by day. That means it’s committing to yourself and your word. It’s not about convenience or mood; it’s about unwavering resolve. Each day, commit to taking a step forward, however small, towards your goal.

Embrace the Struggle: Realize that struggles are not setbacks; they’re the milestones of your journey. They’re the test of your commitment. Isn’t that an interesting perspective? Each struggle you overcome strengthens your resolve and takes you one step closer to your goal.

If you’re feeling stuck, remember that growth is a constant of ups and downs. It’s not about swift progress, but consistent effort. It’s about not just dreaming big, but also committing to the hard work that brings those dreams to life.

Motivation is very temporary. So, as you embark on your journey of personal or professional growth, ask yourself: Are you merely motivated or are you truly committed?

No Easy Road: The Challenge of Personal Growth

There’s a truth in life we often shrink from: the journey to personal growth and self-discovery is never without its challenges. This arduous path demands sacrifice, resilience, and courage to step beyond our comfort zones. I want to provoke thought and challenge you to confront your fears and reclaim your power. Let’s look at four key points, each supplemented with actionable steps and a deep-dive into their transformative potential.

1. Embrace the Difficulty:

Growth happens when you push yourself beyond your comfort zone. This isn’t something you’ve never heard before, but rarely do we do it. In fact, our core survival instincts want us to avoid “pain”. Think about your relationships. When you avoid confronting an issue because it’s ‘easier’, you miss the chance to grow. Honestly, it’s not comfortable to confront anything.

Action: This week, tackle a challenging conversation you’ve been avoiding with a friend, partner, or family member. It’ll be difficult, but navigating this discomfort will equip you with enhanced communication skills, deepening your relationships, and teaching you the art of conflict resolution. The secret I’ve uncovered is to see the conversation from their perspective. When you change your focus from you (your agenda) and shift that bias to how the other person may see the points, it’s life changing.

2. Sacrifice and Resilience:

Progress calls for sacrifice and resilience. For instance, you might need to trade hours of mindless social media scrolling for self-improvement activities like reading, learning a new skill, or meditating. But you have to understand that there’s a reason you find yourself lost in TikTok or Instagram. It’s not because you want to waste time. You’re rewarding yourself with hits of dopamine. There’s another benefit and that is because it’s a distraction from the difficult conversations or situations you deal with each day. By the way, this is a symptom from the first point above.

Action: So what can you do? Identify one thing you can sacrifice this week that brings you closer to your personal growth goal. As you consciously choose personal development over momentary pleasure, you build self-discipline, a trait that’s instrumental in achieving any life goal. It doesn’t even have to be big. Find something you enjoy (that’s not healthy) and stop doing it for a specific time period. This will teach you discipline and build confidence at the same time.

3. Step Outside the Norm:

To attain extraordinary results, you have to dare to be different. In your professional life, this could mean voicing a unique idea in a meeting, even if it might raise eyebrows. We tend to go through life trying not to “rock the boat”. The goal isn’t to create challenges, rather challenge the status quo. It’s okay to get a little uncomfortable to push the norms or standards that are in place to keep most people comfortable.

Action: This week, share an out-of-the-box idea at work. Facing possible critique will build your courage, and the act of sharing your unique ideas fosters self-confidence and positions you as an innovative thinker.

4. Leave a Mark:

Living a memorable life doesn’t always require grand actions. Small, heartfelt deeds can create deep impacts. Be kind to strangers, provide mentorship, or contribute to your community. I have found the smallest kind gestures go farther than overt contributions. If you find yourself focusing on “how can I make this person’s day better?” you’ll see amazing shifts in your own personal fulfillment.

Action: Perform a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return this week. This simple gesture not only brightens someone’s day but also nurtures your own sense of empathy and compassion, leading to a richer, more connected life.

The journey to personal growth, filled with challenges and uncomfortable moments, is less a battle against external obstacles and more a duel with our own inhibitions.

Remember: your growth isn’t measured by how smooth the journey is, but by the courage you demonstrate when faced with adversity, the sacrifices you make for your growth, and the legacy of kindness and strength you dare to leave behind. This journey isn’t about how the world perceives you; it’s about you stepping into your power. Embrace the challenge, for you’re stronger than you believe.

Feedback: The Growth Engine You’ve Been Overlooking

Most of us have a complex relationship with feedback. We can’t deny that it’s necessary, but it’s also uncomfortable, isn’t it? However, I am here to tell you that feedback – even the kind that makes you squirm – can be one of the most significant tools to fuel personal growth and self-improvement. It’s time we shift your perspective from viewing feedback as negative criticism to seeing it as an opportunity for growth. Here’s why.

Point 1: Feedback As A Mirror

To begin with, feedback serves as a mirror, reflecting your strengths and weaknesses. It’s like that honest friend who’s not afraid to tell you when you have spinach stuck in your teeth. Remember when you gave your first presentation and felt like you did a pretty good job until a colleague mentioned that you were speaking too fast? That was feedback. It stung, but it also opened your eyes to an area for improvement. The result? You practiced, slowed down your speech, and nailed your next presentation.

Point 2: Feedback Spurs Growth

Secondly, feedback is the fuel that fires your personal and professional growth engines. It pushes us out of your comfort zones, encouraging you to reach new heights. Consider the story of an aspiring writer who received a string of rejection letters. Each one contained feedback, comments about character development, plot progression, etc. Instead of giving up, the writer took those comments to heart and worked on his craft. Today, he’s a bestselling author. His growth came from embracing the feedback, not from shunning it.

Point 3: Feedback Builds Relationships

Finally, feedback plays an instrumental role in strengthening relationships. How? Well, it promotes open dialogue and trust. When we express your thoughts and feelings, it shows that we value the other person’s perspective and are willing to make adjustments. It’s the mutual exchange of feedback that deepens your connections. Remember that time your friend mentioned how you were always late for meetups? It was uncomfortable, yes. But in acknowledging and addressing this, you showed respect for your friend’s time, which only strengthened your bond.

Now, I get it – not all feedback is useful, and it’s essential to consider the source. Some people might give feedback based on personal biases rather than objective assessment. Some people also say things that may be more of an insult or bullying. But then again, it might be true too. That’s where discernment comes into play. Learn to filter the gold from the grit.

I’ll leave you with this: feedback is not the enemy; it’s a tool, an ally, and a catalyst for growth. So, the next time you receive feedback, take a moment, breathe, and look beyond the initial discomfort. You might just find a roadmap to becoming a better version of yourself.

Embrace feedback. Let it stir you, shake you, and ultimately make you the best that you can be. After all, isn’t that what we’re all striving for? Remember, life is a continual learning process, and feedback is one of your greatest teachers.

What Sets You Apart: Celebrating Your Distinctiveness

Navigating our way in a world that often values conformity, we sometimes lose sight of our individuality. We’ve all fallen into the trap of comparison at one point or another, gauging our worth against others’ achievements. But in doing so, we’re playing a losing game. Here’s the truth: you’re not designed to fit a mold. You’re designed to shatter it. What makes you unique? Let’s dive into three core factors.

1. Your Unique Experiences:

Your experiences – in business, relationships, or personal endeavors – are your fingerprints in the world. They’re distinctly yours, setting you apart from the crowd. It may not feel that way sometimes (and that’s normal), but you are unique. Look at the journey you’ve taken so far in life. One step to the left could’ve changed your life. Imagine if you decided to move to a different city than you envisioned? What if you didn’t meet your partner and built a different relationship? My point is, never underestimate the power of your uniqueness you bring.

Take Steve Jobs, for example. His unique journey of co-founding Apple, being ousted from it, starting another company (NeXT), and eventually returning to Apple to lead it to unprecedented heights, set him apart. His unique experiences, both triumphs, and failures, became his defining features in the business world.

In a relationship context, consider a couple who met, not in their teens, but in their late 70s at a community center. Their shared experience of finding love at an unexpected age and place was unique to them, a defining feature of their relationship that stood out from typical narratives.

2. Your Challenges:

The challenges you face – and how you tackle them – distinguish you significantly. The resilience, creativity, and tenacity you show when dealing with obstacles are testaments to your individuality. We all struggle with believing our issues are unique to just us or others don’t relate. Reality says something different and we can model after others who have pushed through their challenges.

Consider SpaceX’s early days. Elon Musk’s company faced three failed launches before finally achieving orbit with the fourth. The repeated failures didn’t discourage him. Instead, these challenges helped define SpaceX’s unique trajectory in the aerospace industry.

On a personal relationship level, imagine a family dealing with the challenges of long-distance relationships due to job commitments. Despite the difficulty, they found unique ways to maintain their bond – regular family video calls, shared online experiences, simultaneous movie nights – their response to the challenge set them apart from other families.

3. Your Pain:

Pain and hardship, while tough to endure, contribute significantly to your uniqueness. They deepen your perspective, instill resilience, and become a part of your personal narrative. My wife told me it’s a lot like a kidney stone. It’s painful, but it too will eventually pass. So will our pain and it’s really not about the pain anyway. It’s about the meaning you associate with it directly. Change the story and you change the narrative that goes along with it.

Take a look at Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba. Rejected from multiple jobs, including KFC, he faced numerous obstacles and failures before eventually finding success. His journey, punctuated by painful rejections and failures, set him apart and shaped Alibaba’s unique corporate ethos.

In terms of relationships, consider a couple who lost their child. Their shared pain and grief undoubtedly set them apart, but so did their healing process. They turned their heartache into action, setting up a charitable foundation in their child’s name, channeling their pain into something meaningful, a unique response that not only set them apart but also benefited others.

So, when you find yourself succumbing to the comparison game, remember: your unique experiences, the challenges you’ve faced, and even the pain you’ve endured – these are your distinctive attributes. They make you who you are, setting you apart in business, relationships, and life.

Your journey won’t align with everyone’s expectations or standards, and that’s okay. What matters is that you stay true to yourself, listening to the internal voice that champions growth and authenticity.

You’re not here to fit in – you’re here to stand out, break molds, and celebrate your uniqueness. So, keep being you. Keep being different. And remember, the world needs your unique imprint.

Navigating Life’s Journey: Valuable Lessons for Personal Growth

In life’s complex maze, it’s easy to lose oneself in the intricate twists and turns. But as we navigate these challenging paths, we must adhere to certain guiding principles to stay grounded.

One fundamental principle I’ve come to respect is this: never say things that go against what you know to be true. You and I have a moral compass we call – your conscience. Disregarding this internal guide will lead to a steep personal price long-term in life.

This week, I found a driver’s license on the sidewalk at the airport. I immediately felt empathy towards the situation and imagined how stressful it would be traveling and losing your ID. But instead of that moment of “that sucks for him”, my moral compass led me to Google the name and address and found the person’s parents through several searches who sent me his mobile number. We spoke on the phone and I made a plan to have his ID delivered back to him. Obviously, this was such a relief for him, but also a wonderful reminder for myself to follow what you know to be “right”.

Another striking lesson involves understanding fear and failure. You might find yourself torn between the dread of failure and the certainty of failure. Remember, the ‘no fear’ option doesn’t exist; it only delays your fear. Life will always have its share of challenges and fears, but what matters is how we face them. I was talking with a peer Danielle at on our team this morning. She said, “in adversity we tend to become super-beings or become depressed. I opt for “super-being.” I found that interesting, because it always comes back to choices in situations.

You’ve probably heard someone say, “life is a journey” and perhaps that’s true. But remember, you can’t just “hope” for great things to happen. The quest for knowledge isn’t a luxury but a necessity, leading us on a journey of self-discovery and growth. It’s this knowledge that propels us out of our comfort zones to embrace grand adventures that lie ahead. Be okay with challenges. Be excited to learn from failures and learn through history. Both your own and others.

In life, there’s no one-size-fits-all ‘safe path’. Instead, you’ll discover paths characterized by humility and honor. Embarking on these routes may not guarantee success, but they promise personal growth and self-discovery. Live by this rule. “Stay a student”. If you’re learning, you’re never failing.

Honesty also plays a crucial role in the grand scheme of life. Speaking your truth might seem daunting at times, but it’s the key to living life as an exciting, liberating adventure.

On my personal website Brian Parsley and my pages on Linkedin and Instagram.

I delve deeper into these principles, offering further insights and tips.

Life is an incredible journey filled with a series of interconnected lessons. Embrace these lessons, remain true to your conscience, appreciate the power of literacy, honor your past (both good and bad), and dare to tread the path of humility.

Living an Authentic Life: Embracing Your Truth and Unlocking Happiness

In a world dominated by social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of comparing ourselves to others. This has led many of us to live a life that doesn’t align with our true selves, causing dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The truth is, we all have our insecurities and struggles, and it’s essential to be honest with ourselves and others about these challenges. Living an “authentic life” means embracing who we truly are, flaws and all, and focusing on what makes us happy and fulfilled rather than trying to impress others. I know you know this, but if you’re like most folks, you’re still struggling with this. I want to share four tips on how to live a more authentic life and unlock happiness by making your own rules and living up to your own standards.

Tip 1: Embrace Your Imperfections

Perfection is an unattainable and unrealistic goal, so why do we constantly strive for it? Rather than focusing on creating the perfect image of ourselves, we should embrace our imperfections and acknowledge that they are a part of who we are. By accepting and loving ourselves as we are, we can shift our focus to what truly matters: our personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment.

Tip 2: Practice Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is an essential tool in living an authentic life. It allows us to take a step back and examine our thoughts, feelings, and actions, giving us the opportunity to make more informed decisions about our lives. By regularly reflecting on our choices, we can identify patterns and habits that may be holding us back from living authentically. Once we become aware of these patterns, we can work on changing them and aligning our actions with our true values and desires.

Tip 3: Be True to Your Passions and Interests

One of the keys to living an authentic life is to stay true to your passions and interests. In today’s society, we often feel pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations, which can lead us to pursue goals that don’t genuinely resonate with us. To live authentically, we must identify and pursue the things that genuinely excite and inspire us, regardless of whether they align with what others expect of us. By following our passions and interests, we create a life that is uniquely ours and filled with joy and fulfillment.

Tip 4: Surround Yourself with Supportive People

The people we surround ourselves with can greatly impact our ability to live authentically. When we have a support system of people who love and accept us for who we are, we feel empowered to be true to ourselves and make decisions that align with our values and desires. Seek out friends and loved ones who encourage your authenticity and support your journey toward living a more genuine life.

Tip 5: Set Your Own Standards

Lastly, it’s essential to recognize that we are the ones who ultimately define our standards for success and happiness. When we allow external factors or other people to dictate our worth, we risk losing touch with our true selves and what genuinely matters to us. By setting our own standards and determining what success and happiness mean to us, we can create a life that is in line with our values and aspirations.

Living an authentic life is a journey, not a destination. It requires consistent effort, self-reflection, and a willingness to challenge societal norms and expectations. By embracing our imperfections, practicing self-reflection, staying true to our passions and interests, surrounding ourselves with supportive people, and setting our own standards, we can begin to unlock happiness and fulfillment in our lives.

Remember that you are the author of your own story, and you have the power to create a life that is uniquely yours. Embrace your authenticity and celebrate the person you truly are, as this is the key to finding lasting happiness and fulfillment. It’s time to let go of the need to impress others and focus on what truly matters: living a life that aligns with your core values and brings you joy.

Remember to be patient with yourself. Change takes time, and you may encounter setbacks along the way. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your support system when needed.

Take that first step towards authenticity today. Reflect on what truly matters to you, embrace your imperfections, and focus on what makes you genuinely happy. Be kind to yourself and remember that this journey is about progress, not perfection. As you continue to live authentically, you’ll unlock a world of happiness and fulfillment that you never knew was possible.

As adults, it’s essential that we lead by example and demonstrate the value of living authentically to future generations. By embracing our true selves and prioritizing our happiness and fulfillment, we can inspire those around us to do the same. Together, let’s create a world where people are celebrated for who they truly are, and where authenticity is valued above all else.

Living an authentic life is the ultimate act of self-love and self-acceptance. It’s about embracing our uniqueness, being true to our passions, and setting our own standards for success and happiness. By taking these steps, we can unlock the happiness and fulfillment that comes from living a life that is truly our own.

Embracing Feedback

In today’s fast-paced business world, you’re faced with countless challenges and opportunities. One key factor that can make or break any deal or relationship is the ability to learn and grow through feedback.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many successful folks who have harnessed the power of feedback to propel their personal and professional development.

I’ll share my top ten tips to help you embrace feedback and use it as a catalyst for growth. So, buckle up and get ready to learn, laugh, and level up your game!

1. The Power of the Growth Mindset

Let’s kick off our journey by cultivating a growth mindset. Instead of seeing feedback as a judgment on your abilities, view it as a valuable resource for learning and improvement. This mindset enables you to take on challenges head-on, embrace your mistakes, and celebrate your progress. Remember, every superhero has a backstory full of trials and tribulations – and you’re no exception!

2. Create an Openness Oasis

As a professional, you set the tone for your organization. By fostering a culture of openness, you’ll encourage constructive feedback and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. So, transform yourself into an oasis of open communication, where ideas flow freely, and growth is always on the horizon.

3. Listen Like a Super Sleuth

If you’ve never heard this before you may have bigger issues. I am joking of course, but when receiving feedback, channel your inner detective and develop your active listening skills. Pay close attention, without interrupting, and try to understand the other person’s perspective. Ask clarifying questions, acknowledge their concerns, and take notes if needed. Remember, the clues to your success might be hidden in the feedback you receive!

4. Tame the Ego Beast

Let’s face it – we all have an ego. But when it comes to feedback, it’s essential to set that ego aside. Recognize that feedback is not a personal attack, and separate your self-worth from the performance being critiqued. As you tame the ego beast, you’ll become more receptive to feedback and pave the way for personal and professional growth.

5. Reflection – Your Superpower

After receiving feedback, take some time to process and reflect on it. Consider the context, the source, and the specific suggestions provided. Identify actionable steps to implement the feedback and make improvements. Just like a superhero analyzes their latest mission, use reflection as your secret weapon to unlock the full potential of feedback.

6. Embrace Your Vulnerability

Vulnerability may not be the most fashionable cape, but it’s an essential part of your superhero ensemble. Be open about your weaknesses, and acknowledge that nobody is perfect. This will help you to be more receptive to feedback and demonstrate your commitment to growth. So, put on that vulnerability cape with pride and watch your personal and professional development soar!

7. The Art of the Professional “Thank You”

When you receive feedback, respond with grace and professionalism. Thank the person providing feedback, even if it was difficult to hear. Express your appreciation for their insight and let them know that you will consider their input. This simple act of gratitude can help you build strong relationships and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

8. Feedback Treasure Hunt

Don’t just wait for feedback to come your way – be proactive and seek it out! Regularly request feedback from your team, mentors, and peers. Treat each piece of feedback as a treasure map, leading you to uncover hidden gems that can help you refine your entrepreneurial skills and strategies.

9. Master the Feedback Loop

Once you’ve received and reflected on feedback, it’s time to put it into action. Implement changes and regularly evaluate your progress. Share your improvements with the person who provided the feedback to demonstrate that you value their input. By mastering the feedback loop, you’ll turn constructive criticism into a powerful engine driving your growth.

10. The Patience and Persistence Pursuit

Finally, remember that personal and professional growth takes time and effort. Embrace the journey, learn from setbacks, and celebrate your progress. As you practice patience and persistence, you’ll gradually unlock your full potential – and who knows, you might even become the next business superhero!

Take these tips to heart, and let feedback be your compass on the road to success. And remember, as you grow and evolve, you’ll not only become a better entrepreneur, but you’ll also inspire those around you to embrace feedback and grow along with you.

Building rapport with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

There’s a pseudo science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This approach to communication and personal development first appeared in a book called, The Structure of Magic in 1975.

It found there is a direct relationship between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and behaviors that have been developed (programming). What was most interesting is that these can be changed to achieve specific outcomes in your life.

So how does this relate back to you? Think of it this way. Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who spoke a different language and they couldn’t understand what you wanted to say? Imagine you wanted to order a salad and ended up with BBQ instead.

This same example happens everyday in our own unconscious mind. We want to believe we are “ordering” amazing things for our lives like better relationships or amazing careers. But somehow it gets lost in translation from the conscious decision and what your mind actually hears.

I will play the devil’s advocate and present a different perspective on how you can build more meaningful relationships using NLP.

First, it’s important to remember that NLP is a set of techniques and strategies that are used to understand and influence human behavior and communication. While NLP can be a powerful tool in building rapport, it is not a silver bullet and should be used with caution.

One of the key principles of NLP is to match and mirror the communication style and body language of the person you are communicating with. This can help to establish rapport and build a connection, but it is important to avoid crossing the line into imitation or manipulation. If the other person feels like you are trying to be someone you are not, it can undermine the rapport that you are trying to build. A basic example of this is if you’re talking with someone who is sitting back with their arms crossed. You casually mirror that same body language. This may sound a bit silly, but people like people are similar. So the unconscious mind is thinking….“They are like me.”

Another NLP technique for building rapport is to use the same language patterns and terminology as the person you are communicating with. This can help to create a sense of common ground and make the other person feel understood and valued. However, it is important to be authentic and avoid using language or terminology that you are not familiar with, as this can come across as insincere. Authenticity is the key for any relationship. But like the mirroring technique this is easy to do and actually forces you to listen with more intent as well.

It is also important to remember that NLP is not a substitute for genuine interest and empathy. While NLP techniques can help to build rapport, they will not be effective if you are not truly interested in the other person and their perspective. To build genuine rapport, it is important to actively listen, show empathy, and be authentic in your interactions.

At the end of the day, NLP can be a useful tool in building new relationships and strengthening your current ones.

By matching and mirroring communication style and language patterns, using authentic language and showing genuine interest, you can build rapport and create meaningful connections with others. However, if you have nefarious intentions or are not genuine in your communication, it’s manipulation.

I am passionate about this topic and work with many students to assist them to master the art of relationships. If you have an interest in learning more, please give me a call directly.

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